
Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary was started in 1921 on the eve of the birthday of Blessed Virgin Mary in Dublin, town of Ireland. It is a strong army of Mother Mary and its aim is to defeat the satanic influences over the world. The main armour in the hands of the members of Legion is the Rosary.

A presidium (Local Unit of Legion of Mary) was started in St Francis Xavier Church in 1947. It’s named after Our Lady of Lourdes. It meets every Monday at 4.30 pm at the Church premises. The meeting begins with the invoking the Holy Spirit followed by the Rosary. Then spiritual reading is done from the Hand book of the Legion of Mary. Then comes the presenting of the report of the last meeting and the good works done in the previous week. After the short talk by the Spiritual Director he gives the final blessings.

Legion of Mary has set of prayers to be prayed during the meeting: in the beginning, in between and towards the end. Without these prayers the presidium meeting will be incomplete.

Every week members are expected to visit old and the suffering people in the houses, hospitals, old age homes, orphanages, and help them, console them and assist in their sufferings. All members including ht office bearers report the good works done by them and inspire each other to carry out those good works. We invite our parishioners to join to the legion of Mary and benefit a lot spiritually.