
Legion Of Mary - Juniors

The Junior Legion is an organization for the spiritual development of persons under 18 years of age. In all younger-aged groups, the president and the vice-president are experienced Senior Legion of Mary members. Each group which is called a Praesidium, is run under the guidance of a spiritual director.

Primarily, the purpose is to train and spiritualize the young members. In a short time they will take their place as lay apostles of Christ doing the work as Senior Legion of Mary members.

Junior Legion of Mary Praesidia can be found throughout the entire world. Each member must do at least one hour of work each week. This work is assigned at the weekly meeting which all members must attend. Junior Legion Praesidia have been found to be valuable in the work that they do in parishes. Junior Legionaries may teach catechism to young children, visit the sick and elderly, contact grade and high school pupils in their homes, and supervise younger children.

In addition many are engaged in helping their parish priests and other workers doing all sorts of things. Work at home also must be done in addition to the weekly assignment. The Spirit of Mary working for the Holy Family at Nazareth should be preserved by each member in the work at home.

It forms a spiritual army of youth within any parish. Many worthwhile tasks are performed, which would otherwise be neglected. A unique opportunity for spiritual growth is given. No other organization offers a daily program of prayer, a weekly work assignment and the discipline of a meeting each week. In crucial years when formation is so essential, the Junior Legion develops confidence and spiritual and mental growth of the personality. Junior Legionaries stand to gain for everything they freely give in service to Mary.

As Junior Legionaries, our youth are taught to give to their Church as productive members, rather than to wait for what they can receive. The Junior Legion forms good Catholics now, and better Catholics tomorrow.

Junior Legion of Mary Sodality was started by Rev Fr Stany B Lobo in the year 2006 with around 35 children. Here the children come together reflect on the word of God, conduct Bible quiz, enact Bible skits organize sing songs read the stories from the Bible also learn and inculcate values for life. It helps them acquire more knowledge and enhance their talents.

Children come forward to read the reading during the liturgy and participate in different church activities thus making them bold and Courageous. Sr Lima and Mrs. Sunitha D’Souza are the animators and they guide the children.