The process of linking PAN card with Aadhar card was initiated by the Government of India in 2017. The Aadhar cards of those who received PAN cards thereafter were automatically linked. For the rest, the Government of India has set the deadline of 31st March 2023 to link PAN card with Aadhar card across the country. To help people achieve this in a hassle free manner, the Angelore Unit of Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh® organised PAN-Aadhar linking campaign on 26th March 2023 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The campaign was held at the Church Mini Hall.
Seventy-five people availed the benefit of the campaign, of which 50 persons’ PAN was successfully linked with Aadhar. Fifteen persons’ PAN and Aadhar were already linked. Ten persons’ PAN and Aadhar could not be linked as there was mismatch of name. They were helped with the correction process and assured of linking within 2-3 days.
Catholic Sabha thanks Rev. Fr William Menezes, Parish Priest, for announcing the campaign and motivating people to make use of the facility.
Thanks are due to Mr. Wilfred Monteiro for coordinating to arrange Onyx Real Estate, Kankanady, to facilitate the linking process; Mr. John Fernandes, Mr. Peter Fernandes, Mrs. Jyothi Monteiro and Mr. Rajesh Misquith for assisting in the linking process.
It may be noted that persons aged above 80 years, NRIs, persons living in India who are not Indian nationals, and people of Jammu & Kashmir, Assam and Meghalaya are not required to link their PAN with Aadhar.
For further queries please contact: Mr. Jeevan Fernandes, Onyx Real Estate, “Vishwas Crown”, Near Cochin Bakery, Kankanady, Mangalore – 575 002. Phone: 9619026430 between 9.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.