The members of St. Gabriel Ward II gathered at the residence of Mr. Sunil and Mrs. Sowmya Xavier to observe the feast of Nativity. The programme started at 12 noon. Rev. Fr William Menezes, Parish Priest; Mrs. Lolina D’Souza, Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council; and Ms. Renita Menezes, Coordinator of 21 Pastoral Commissions graced the programme. The programme began with a hymn and offering flowers to Infant Mary. Mrs. Juliet D’Souza, Gurkar of the ward, welcomed the gathering. The members sang a song to entertain those gathered. Ms. Sweedal conducted games. The ward members relished sumptuous meal that included the traditional delicacies associated with the feast prepared by the ward members prepared at their homes. To keep the spirits high, Housie Housie game was conducted after the lunc. Mrs. Sylvia D’Souza compèred the programme. Thirty-five members of the ward participated in the programme.