A farewell programme was held for the altar servers of 10th standard on 19th February 2024 at the Golden Jubilee Memorial Hall after the 9.30 am mass. Rev. Fr William Menezes, Parish Priest, presided over the programme. Rev. Fr Lawrence Cutinha, Assistant Parish Priest; Darryl Monteiro, President of altar servers; and Verina D’Souza, Secretary of altar servers were present on the dais.
Rev. Fr William Menezes reflected on the duties and responsibilities of altar servers. He urged them to attend the mass every day. He wished them well for their forthcoming examinations and blessed them.
Rev. Fr Lawrence Cutinha appreciated the wonderful service and dedication shown by the altar servers during the Eucharistic celebration and in other activities. He wished them well in their future endeavours. Darryl Monteiro, Verina D’Souza, Leon D’Souza and Mahima Saldanha shared their experience as altar servers in the past years and expressed gratitude to the parish priests, assistant parish priests and animators for their unceasing support.
Fourteen altar servers of 10th standard were presented mementos. A farewell song and a dance were performed by the junior altar servers. Vibha Mascarenhas compèred the programme. At the end of the farewell programme, the children relished ice cream and left for home.