

True to the old adage, “Time and tide wait for none,” the inevitable day finally arrived – the day of bidding adieu to Rev. Fr Lawrence Cutinha.

Julius Caesar’s famous words, “veni, vidi, vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered) perfectly fit the personality of Rev. Fr Lawrence. He came to Angelore, he saw the parishioners, he conquered their hearts – especially of the youth. One would always find the youth around him – be they altar servers, YCS members or AYM members. They enjoyed his company, and he enjoyed theirs.

At 4.00 p.m. on 18th May 2023, a short prayer service was held – led by Rev. Fr William Menezes – to thank God for the gift of Rev. Fr Lawrence to Angelore, and to ask His blessings on him in his mission at Bendore Parish. The assembled parishioners then accompanied Rev. Fr Lawrence to St. Sebastian Church, Bendore along with Rev. Fr William Menezes.

He was accorded warm welcome by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr Vincent Monteiro. The Vice President and Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council welcomed Rev. Fr Lawrence with bouquets. After the customary prayer service that included proclamation of the Word of God, Rev. Fr Vincent Monteiro gave a glimpse of the parish. Rev. Fr Lawrence Cutinha thanked the parishioners of Angelore for the love and affection shown to him in the past two years. He then blessed the gathering and concluded the prayer service.

Adieu Father Lawrence, indeed time and tide wait for none; but Angelore will remember you ad infinitum.

Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell